Friday, April 29, 2011

Goan Salt Meat

The First Trial: 1.8 kgs at start
My "Nagpore" grandmother's recipe - as handed down to her daughter who passed this on to her niece (me) who's husband makes this for his son. Wonderful flavor, best eaten cold and sliced thin.

Stick with the ingredients in the right proportion - we did one version "andaz-se" and it was WAY too salty. We usually avoid the salt petre (difficult to get, and nitrates aren't recommended in food).

INGREDIENTS - 5 kg (1kg values in brackets)

  • 5 kgs round of beef..must be totally devoid of bones (1kg)
  • 30 gms. kala namak (6 gms)
  • 30 gms papad khar - very light weight, sometimes called samuddar ka jhaag (6 gms)
  • 125 gms. kalmi shora - salt petre crystals (25 gms)
  • 60 gms. gur (12 gms)
  • 60 gms.tamarind - seedless (12 gms)
  • 250 gms salt (50 gms)
  • Juice of 10 limes - remove seeds but retain skins! (2 limes)


  • Pound or grind all salts fine
  • Prick meat very well with a sharpened bamboo stick or skewer
  • Add everything to the meat and "massage" well
  • Place the lemon skins,cut side down, on the meat.Cover with clean cloth or inverted plastic basin ( may keep in the fridge, to be on the safe side)
  • Massage daily for 4 days, remembering to turn the meat
  • Tie, hang overnight and boil or pressure cook
  • Cool in juices and then untie. This helps to keep the meat moist

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