Saturday, November 20, 2010

Fish Pickle (Sunanerthi's)

This is a great aunt's recipe - who I knew as Sunna Aunty. The fish pickle is absolutely super and should be eaten as a delicacy - apportioned on bread or a cracker and savored.

The problem with this recipe is that the portions aren't indicated - it's more of a hit and miss until you get the proportions right. You can use the other pickle recipe as guideline for proportions.

  • Seer fish is best, cut into thick slices and then cut into halves or quarters. Too small and the pieces will dissolve in the pickle over time.
  • Mustard - the big seeds are better
  • Garlic
  • Ginger
  • Gren Chilli
  • Curry Leaves
  • Vinegar
  • Chilli Powder
  • Oil

  1. Fry fish and cool
  2. Powder some mustard coarsely
  3. In oil, fry sliced garlic, ginger, green chilli, curry leaves
  4. Mix vinegar, chilli powder and add to the oil
  5. Boil and cool
  6. Add fish pieces and bottle

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